All are welcome!

At Faith Avenue Church, we believe that all people are created in the image of God.  So we affirm people regardless of their sexual orientation, race, age, or gender identification. You are welcome here, and your gifts are valued here. Let's connect to God, one another, and our world as we do life... TOGETHER!

Our Statement of Affirmation
Transformation Ink Fundraiser, part 2

Thank you to everyone who donated toward our Transformation Ink fundraiser! You made this cover up art pictured here possible! Transformation Ink uses tattoos to cover up brands on people who have been trafficked to help them in their rehabilitation. 

Through the end of September we will be collecting donations to finish the tattooing process for the wonderful woman in the picture. Her body was very disfigured by brands and the tattoo is extensive and time consuming.


Quotes from Recent Sermons


"Bitterness is the easiest way to leave this world having had only a near-life experience."

~Andrea Gibson


"Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing!"

~Arundhati Roy